QUIVO barrier posts
Flexible fencing off building entrances, demarcation of roadways or fixing of street furniture
The task of urban space elements is to create identification, identity, and orientation. To ensure this, barrier posts, litter garbage cans and benches must be flexible. This is precisely where QUIVO’s strength lies.
An ingenious locking system allows posts and street furniture to be inserted, removed, or replaced in seconds.
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The flexible bollard system
Barrier posts today, waste bins tomorrow? No problem for QUIVO. You can interchange urban space elements with a twist. This is made possible by the innovative locking system with a uniform ground sleeve. The integrated predetermined breaking point ensures low maintenance costs.
Ready for maximum flexibility? We will be happy to answer your questions about QUIVO posts.
Do you have any questions?
Our sales team is at your disposal for a personal, free consultation:
Francis Seijas
CEO | Access protection expert / Sales CH / Export
+41 43 277 60 77 francis.seijas@consel.chQUIVO: One system - 1000 possibilities
Convincing indoors and outdoors
Blocking off building entrances, demarcating bicycle paths and residential complexes, or protecting staircases: QUIVO is universally applicable.
Post system with ground sleeve
Fixing system with a wide range of installation options
Are you looking for a post system with ground sleeve that offers you maximum flexibility in installation and handling? Then QUIVO is the perfect solution. The posts, developed in Switzerland, can be used both fixed and removable. This is ensured by different installation variants, with or without ground sleeve.
The special feature: the predetermined breaking point
In the event of a collision, the post and foundation remain intact!
Thanks to the clever predetermined breaking point with integrated restraining rope, neither people are injured nor the foundation or barrier posts damaged in the event of external impact or collision. First-class, resistant materials also ensure a long service life – a sustainable and economical solution.
By the way: The predetermined breaking point can be replaced easily and cost-effectively in just three minutes.
Special solutions
QUIVO - the posts that adapts to your wishes
There are no limits to the design variety of QUIVO. Our in-house production enables project-specific and tailor-made implementations. We would be happy to implement your design idea or develop custom solutions together with you. In addition, we prepare the necessary specifications and carry out standard tests in accordance with applicable regulations.
Our references
Expert advice. 60 minutes of concentrated expert knowledge! Independently, competently, and free of charge, we provide you with advice.
Do you have any questions? Our sales team is at your disposal for a personal, free consultation.